Recreational Program

The majority of our recreational program runs from September – May and includes at least 30 weeks of instruction, except where otherwise noted. In some cases you will receive more than the 30 guaranteed classes; a minimum of 30 weeks will be run. In the case of class cancellations resulting in less than 30 weeks of classes being offered, make-up classes will be held. 

Acrobatic Arts syllabus classes, Dance Conditioning, Flexibility Strengthening and Leaps & Turns classes run from September – March and include at least 20 weeks of instruction

Wait! What if my child does not enjoy their class? 

Although programs run for 20-30 weeks, you are not locked in for a full season! Dancers are welcome to switch classes (space permitting) or withdraw, should dance class not be for them! See our registration policies for more information! 


In addition to our 20 and 30-week programs, we are excited to also offer ‘sessions’ throughout the year. ‘Session’ classes will run for 3-6 weeks. These classes will not do choreography in our year-end recital. Please contact the office for more information.

Young Children’s Programming

(Ages 5 & under)


(Ages 6 & up)


(For all classes)

Tuition & Fees

Studio Calendar

Studio Policies

Dance With Us Today!